Oct 21 Meta to Phu Gaon. Nepal.
The walk from Meta to Phu (or Phoo) is a walk in another world. Manaslu and
Annapurna are quite lush whereas this is a very barren one.
It is, as if it never rains here, yet there are crops.
The buildings seem
like they are thousands of years old, and are empty in a lot of places.
mountains and valleys devoid of vegetation, with their precipitous facade, scale us into insignificance.
Find religion, is this the entry to heaven ?
Life, there is some. The animals find some food, and we find some animals.
Phu village, the sign says it all. Perhaps there is a spring at a different time of the year. Perhaps there is weaving, but the weavers were elsewhere. I was tired and all the offered facilities might as well not have existed anyway.
A great place to build a town, high up on the hill. At least it doesn't take up any of the arable land on the pastures below.
Working the land is reality here. Kids play at being adults and soon enought they will be.
The only public kitchen in town is well equipped, and we get a good meal.
Once again I am camping. There is limited space here and didn't fancy bunking in essentially a shared shed. Despite choosing what I thought was an out of the way terrace, animals still managed to disturb my slumber as they came out of nowhere to be fed at the stables.
Work hard, altitude, a tot or two and the party is on.
Let us finish with the mantra Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ.
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